Turn Your PDF into Page Flip Magazine with Mobissue Magazine Maker

Many people are looking for a fast and simple way to get the extremely cool page turning effect in magazine. The experience of turning the pages of a magazine is never lost since the popularity is rising in the world of PDF page flipping software. Mobissue magazine maker is the most powerful one in digital market that can help the user save their valuable time in the online magazine making. The software is not like other complicated software. It is easy-to-use and designed for any sort of publication, such as magazines, catalogs, brochures, albums and so much more. Besides, it endows you the ability to bring page turning effect in PDF documents and create a brand new world of reading for your fans.

For the Mobissue digital software, you are allowed to create page flipping magazine with many interactive features in the free online platform, and you are also given the opportunity to produce a stunning one in the program (free download on Mobissue.com).  It is absolutely free and you have complete control over the design and layout of your magazine and make any changes as you wish.

Use for Free

Imagine that you have to pay for a service to make a publication, or you are just allowed to freely use to create a magazine that is only in a few pages. Undoubtedly, you will feel unhappy. Well, Mobissue has a free plan that allows you to use multiple powerful functions to create an amazing magazine work with animation and page-flipping effects. You don’t need to move on to the paid plans unless you are working on massive publications that need more features. Using Mobissue for free makes it easy for you to produce an original magazine with almost no overhead costs at all.

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Create Page Flipping Effect Easily

It is extremely easy to create a page flipping magazine when you use the Mobissue. When you got this downloaded program to fulfill your magazine work, you just need to import your destination PDF in the program, and select your favorite template and theme, and then let it do all the rest. Besides, this service has a specialized multimedia tool – Page Editor that enables you to create interactive multimedia magazines as well. Just in minutes, a high-tech multimedia and page-flipping digital magazine will come to your very eyes.

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Accessible for All Devices

The compatibility feature of Mobissue will astonish all you users. Whether you are working in the PC system or the Mac, Mobissue software can let you easily and wonderfully finish your creation. In addition, you can not only view your page turning magazine item in the computer, but also appreciate on the smartphones and mobile devices. This will mean that even there is not a computer available you can still view your creation on the samrtphone everywhere. Meanwhile, once you publish your created magazines online, they will be available for any browsers such as Google, Bing and so on.

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Top 5 Flipbook Software Provides a Digital Platform for Flipbook Designer

A digital flipbook is a digital representation of a book that turns pages realistically and a good way to distribute information. When the flipping book created like an actual book with page flipping effect, it definitely will help to increase the fun of online reading. In the matter of fact, with the great process of flipbook software, it is easier to create a stunning digital flipbook than before. What will surprise you is that most of flipbook software can not only help you quickly convert PDF into fabulous digital flipbook, but also allows you to publish it online and share on many popular social networking sites. Or even let you easily publish your flipbook to local for offline reading.

Well, in the digital age, the word “flipbook” has taken on a new meaning. But since there is plenty of flipbook software, how can you find the best one to create a flipbook? In this blog, top 5 flipbook software provided for you to get you started.


XFlip is one kinds of professional flipbook creator Software tht is really invaluable to help you create stunning 3D interactive page flipping publications from plain PDF in few minutes without any computer skills. All you need to do is to import PDF/videos/images/SWF files in the best flash book maker, Customizing your page flip PDF with rich media like dynamic text, images, audios, videos (YouTube video included) and hyperlinks etc. and next publish it to flash flip book easily, you will have a digital publication in seconds.



AnyFlip is an interactive flipping book platform which is tailored for creating and publishing different types of publications with 3D realistic page-flipping effect. As a flipbook software in the digital world, AnyFlip not only completes the conversion form PDF into flipbook, but also delivers the best results to users with rich media, easy-to-use interface, SEO optimized, a safe cloud platform and so on.


3D Issue

3D Issue is another digital publishing software suite that enables print publishers to transform destination PDFs into interactive page turning publications. The types of publications generated by this core software include online catalog, magazines, digital brochures, eBook, reports, whitepapers, and marketing flipbooks. When using 3D Issue to facilitate the flipbook work, you just need to simply upload your PDF to the software, and it will output your content in HTML5, Flash, .mobi and epub, formats for mobile, smartphone, tablet, desktop, laptop and eReader. Plus, you are allowed to add audio, video and other multimedia to increase interactivity. Of course, other features such as link detection, table of contents, social media, Facebook App and shopping cart can also be included in your digital editions with ease.



Flipsnack is an awesome digital flipbook maker which provides a powerful online platform for users quickly convert their PDFs into flipping books, making it possible to create, share and embed online magazines. This online editor is equipped with advanced features that make your magazine more attractive.You can even create an entire flipbook from scratch with its intuitive drag and drop feature.



Mobissue is one type of distinguished digital flipbook software that can help to deliver an incredible online reading experience for people. The digital platform makes users easily to create as many online publications as they want. Plus, page flipping magazines, catalogs, brochures and other publications can be simply published as web APP to your own mobile, which definitely bring your content to life on phone and tablets with no coding and no hassles. Tons of awesome features such as beautiful pre-designed templates and themes offered for free, amazing Animation Editor, unlimited hosting cloud platform, social sharing and multiple publishing channels have made it popular in different fields.


I hope the 5 flipbook software listed above will  work out well for you. The Mobissue is the one that I always depend on to create individual flipbook. Its free use policy and a great many of special functions really benefit to me a lot. For more useful features and information about this solution you can even click here to learn as you wish.

Mobissue-Awesome Flip Book Maker Simplifies Your Flipbook Design on Mobile

The importance of the modern digital flipbook such as catalogs, brochures and magazines can’t be ignored today, because they have been a powerful addition to your marketing strategy. Plenty of flip book maker software as an effective channel also makes the whole flipbook creating process simply and quickly. However, we’re faced with not only the question whether we can create a digital flipbook, but also we can produce a stunning flipbook reachable for more people and enhance the one as a whole. Here, you will wonder how significant an awesome tool is. If you want to start your flipbook design work, but you are still confused with your tool selection, below I’ll show something to you.

In this post, I’ll only focus on the Mobissue, a modern and well-featured flip book maker tool, which can be used to design and publish different types of digital flipbooks. Check out some fantastic features from this program and make sure you can take advantage of them in your work.

Digital Version

Digital flipbook design is completely different from the print one. First, creating a digital one, in some way, will be more economic and environment-friendly. Second, online distribution and mobile orientation will help you get more readers. Mobissue as an outstanding digital solution can let you deal with all problems above, and make the work more efficient. So, creating a digital version of your print document is a great way to let you make an achievement for the both. It is easy to do with Mobissue. Import your destination PDF in the program, set the page range to import, and customize a few other setting, just in minutes, it will automatically be converted into the digital one.


Rich media

If you don’t always carry digital publications and you really want to present them in unique way, it would be better to promote the content of your book. After the digital conversion, you can continue to use Mobissue’s Animation Editor to add various media the make your digital content more abundant. For instant, add dynamic text to give more details, create a hyperlink to your website, embed sound and video to make your book more vivid and lively, etc. These media description can also help to make you look and feel like a professional.


View on mobile

Mobile reading is no longer a limitation for the digital flipbook created by Mobissue. When you choose to upload your digital item online, the HTML5 based flip book maker will make you easily get the QR code and let you deliver your work via mobile browser, so there will be no obstacles for readers to view your flipbook. Jut scan the QR code, the digital content would be shown on their mobile. It is so convenient!


Search Engine optimization

Remarkable content is usually used to inform and educate people. You can use Mobissue to convert the PDF into a user-friendly online content to make it more meaningful. Mobissue takes on all of the SEO work for users, enabling their flipbook to rise in popularity and to gain a following of those who are interested in your work. With this amazing function, users will easily learn about which flipbook is in a high-level of attendance to your publication regularly.


All in all, if you want to quickly and simply make an engaging flipbook that can be viewed on mobile devices and be readable for more people, before you set about your design, you should consider carefully about the tool option, and I hope this blog will give you a hand.

Flipbook Creator Mobissue: Deliver a Great Reading Experience

Congratulations! Mobissue has reached an incredible milestone of more than one million downloads! This flipbook creator is truly a preferred publishing choice for people. It is innovative yet easy-to-use, with a range of flexible tools and a fantastic selection of images. You are empowered to get your flipbook online and display it on your website, social media and Mobissue newsstand. And a great thing about Mobissue is that it supports HTML5 output, which empowers your audience to view your publication on whatever devices. Check Mobissue out, and try to deliver a great reading experience to your audience.

Super Fast

Want to give your audience a smooth reading experience? No problem! Mobissue is known as a super fast flipbook creator: everything from opening your publication to flip the pages is quite quick.
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Intuitive Navigation

When it comes to digital flipbooks, readers spend a lot of time browsing through pages. It is necessary to create a digital publication that people want to read. And Mobissue makes it! It builds a simple and intuitive navigation for users. The thumbnails and table of contents allow your readers to get a brief look at your digital flipbook. Plus, the search functionality makes it quite convenient to find and jump to the target page.

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Interactive and Media-rich

To give an engaging reading experience to your readers, you can enrich your digital content with links, Flash, video, audio and much more. What’s worth mentioning is the links within your original content are supported to import into the publication, saving you the trouble of readding. And the imported links can be modified easily on Mobissue.

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HTML5 Output

The HTML5 output capability assures you a responsive result that looks and works perfect on tablets and smartphones, iOS or Android. This way, your readers can read your publication no matter when and where they are.
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If you want to learn more information about Mobissue, please click here.